SEJ's 32nd Annual Conference • #SEJ2023 | Boise, ID | April 19-23 • Contact




The 32nd Annual Conference of the Society of Environmental Journalists in Boise, Idaho, officially began Wednesday, April 19, 2023, with an opening reception followed by dinner and programs.

Before the official kick-off, three all-day workshops were held, as well as an afternoon meet-and-greet with fun networking opportunities.

SEJ is committed to supporting a harassment-free environment at the conference. Please read our anti-harassment policy.

Couldn’t attend Boise in person? Watch the recordings!
* Clean Energy and the Land — The High-Stakes Battle Over Climate Solutions, April 21. Video.
* Interior Secretary Deb Haaland Keynote and Q&A, April 21. Video.
* Covering Gender and Environment Connections, at Home and Abroad, April 22. Video.

Image of Program Agenda Booklet front coverDownload the Program Agenda Booklet (22 MB). Note: There were changes to both agenda and logistics since the agenda booklet was printed. Refer to the web agenda or Whova app for the correct information.
  • SEJ Conference Question-Asking Policy: Moderators of panels, plenaries and field trips should remind attendees that the conference is created by and for journalists and that members of SEJ and other professional journalism membership organizations are prioritized for asking questions.
  • Concerned about COVID? We are too! Read SEJ’s COVID-19 Protocols.
  • Stay up-to-date on the agenda and registration by subscribing to our Annual Conference email list.

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Whova is a mobile event app that allows you to navigate the conference, receive conference news, network with friends and colleagues, set your own personalized schedule, receive discounts and other perks from our exhibitors, share comments and photos. Access via web browser or mobile device. To join #SEJ2023, download the Whova app and use the invite code sent to you in your registration confirmation email. You can learn more about navigating Whova in this User Tutorial.

SEJ requires that you not share your Whova log-in information or the invite code.

Need a roommate or want to carpool? Look for the “Find a Roommate” and “Sharing a Ride” message boards under Whova’s Community tab.

As a journalism organization that believes in an open society, SEJ each year welcomes a diverse group of attendees to our annual conference. Attendees include representatives of business, government and environmental groups, as well as working journalists, academics and students.

Speakers, presentations, questions and responses do not necessarily reflect the views of SEJ or any of its members.

As our guest, please respect our interest in open discussions of environmental issues by respecting all participants in sessions you attend and not disrupting presentations of views you disagree with.

Please respect our rule that SEJ members are given preference during question-and-answer sessions.

 SEJ is committed to supporting a harassment-free environment at the conference. Please read our anti-harassment policy.

Photo Credit: Courtesy Ben Hoskyn / Unsplash